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    All tea-ware and tea in our online tea shop is assigned to the individual groups and subgroups based on it's characteristics. Some products can be linked to the multiple groups for better and user friendlier orientation when searching for the right tea or tea-ware. Button "Categories" narrows down our wide selection of tea and tea-ware to the mo...

    All tea-ware and tea in our online tea shop is assigned to the individual groups and subgroups based on it's characteristics. Some products can be linked to the multiple groups for better and user friendlier orientation when searching for the right tea or tea-ware. Button "Categories" narrows down our wide selection of tea and tea-ware to the more specific subgroups.


    Shop There are 555 products.


    • Producers

      Yunnan puerh tea producers, tea farmers or small manufacturers.
      Tea vendors who are not only re-sell the tea from farmers but also create their own brand
      using their selection of tea materials for pressing them into the tea cakes
      or processing fermentation by their own recepies and therefore creating the tea with unique flavor.
      Handmade Yunnan pottery or pottery from other provinces.
      Pottery from masters or small manufacturers which produces each piece as unique original.

    • Sheng Pu-erh

      Pu-erh tea or Pu'er is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province,China,
      and named after Pu'er City.The Pu-ehr tea is know for its unique method
      of post processing like natural microbial fermentation and oxidation of the tea leaves. Yunnan sheng pu-erh tea from Counties: Bao Shan, De Hong, Lin Cang, Pu'er ( Simao ) and Xi Shuang Ban Na.

    • Shu Pu-erh


      Please read Shu Puer Masterclass page first!

      Shu ( ripe ) or Shou Pu-Erh tea. The wò duī fermentation process
      is an accelerated fermentation into "ripe" shou cha.
      Originally developed by the Kunming Tea Factory 
      in 1973 and then continued by Menghai factory. 

      Yunnan shu pu-erh tea from Menghai , Bao Shan,
      , Lin Cang, Pu'er ( Simao ) and Myanmar.

    • Black ( red ) Tea

      In Chinese black tea
      is known as "red tea" (Chinese 紅茶 hóngchá ).
      As all other types are made from leaves
      of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis and
       in China is a commonly used classification
      for post-fermented teas, such as Pu-erh tea.

      Yunnan black tea from Fengqing, Puer or Baoshan.
      Chinese black tea from other provinces , Fujian or Guangdong.

    • White Tea

      White tea "Bai Cha" is mainly produced in Yunnan or Fujian province because suitable tea material.
      Only the new leafs and buds are plucked within 48 hours of sprouting,
      then leaves are naturally withered, lightly heat processed and sun-dried.
      The silvery buds give sweet taste and full-bodied tea liqueur .
      White tea is the least processed of all teas. 

    • Other Teas

      Various types of teas which don't fit into the regular categories.
      Mixture of Pu'erh tea with flowers and herbs or other teas.

    • Teaware

      Necessary equipment used for brewing and consumption of tea.
      Tea pots or tea cups for your gongfu tea ceremony,
       tea strainers , gaiwans, packaging materials  etc. 

    • Shape

      Chinese tea , especially Yunnan puerh  ,
      you can buy in various forms which commonly are loose leaf or pressed. 
      On our online shop the loose leaf tea is categorized by harvest season,
      grade and pressed tea in the actual shape of pressing ( like cake, brick, tuo cha etc. )

    per page
    Showing 1 - 12 of 555 items
    Showing 1 - 12 of 555 items