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Yin Sheng

Master Yin Sheng and his family originally come from Jing De Zhen
and moved to Jian Shui in 2007. He and his wife learned making a pottery
in their hometown and worked for one manufacturing company
( from where they know each other ) many years ,
before decided to make a radical move and open they very own studio.
He and their son are in charge ...

Master Yin Sheng and his family originally come from Jing De Zhen
and moved to Jian Shui in 2007. He and his wife learned making a pottery
in their hometown and worked for one manufacturing company
( from where they know each other ) many years ,
before decided to make a radical move and open they very own studio.
He and their son are in charge of forming / shaping the pottery
while his wife with daughter assemblies the parts and making the final
decorations / painting / carvings. This is perfect balance of workflow in family business
and we are happy to find someone who can make beautiful piece of pottery
with the precision and without being influenced by local commercial hype.


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