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Tea Factories

Big or semi-large tea factories are listed here.

Tea Factories There are 42 products.


  • Nanjian

    Nanjian Tea Factories ( 南涧 )
    category includes products from 3 different tea factories located in Nanjian area.
    1. Yunnan Nanjian Cha Chang 
    2. Nanjian Hi Long Tan  
    3. Tuling Feng Huang

    Yunnan Nanjian Cha Chang 
    factory doesn't have a long tea producing history in Yunnan province,

    but it’s known their Phoenix(Fenghuang) Tuo Cha branded by Gu De.
    The factory has been established in 1985 and since then they started produce the Phoenix tuo cha.
    The tea factory is located Wu Liang shan ( Wuliang mountain ) ,
    so most of the tea material comes from growing around old and arbor tea trees.

  • Xiaguan

    Xia guan Tuo Cha (下关沱茶)
    Xia Guan Tuo Cha ,also named Yunnan Tuo Cha that is origin from Ming Dynasty.
    It is one of compressed forms of Pu Er Tea, usually it`s smaller than pu-erh tea cake,
    that is easily to carry to anywhere,therefore it had been popular during the Ancient
    Tea Route. Xiaguan Tuo Cha is known as high quality tea with long history
    and typical intensive Cha Qi with smoky flavor.

  • Mengku Rongshi

    Mengku Rong Shi (勐库戎氏)
    Mengku Rong Shi tea factory is based in Shuangjiang ,south-west of Yunnan province.
    It is a family-run business for the last three generations which is more than a hundred years.
    Nowadays Rong Shi still follows the traditional way of of tea production and besides organic black tea is mainly focused on Sheng Pu-erh tea.

  • Zhongcha

    Zhong Cha company (中茶)
    Zhong Cha was Established in 1949 and it was the first national tea company in China.
    Within few years company expanded and became a major trade company of Chinese tea .
    This company had been manufacturing lot of high quality Pu-erh tea, hei cha ,
    black tea, green tea, etc. for many years now . All of teas are branded as ‘Zhong Cha Pai’.

  • Dayi

    Da Yi (大益)
    Originally Da Yi was name of Pu-erh tea’s brand from old Menghai tea factory.
    Menghai tea factory was one of big manufacturers of tea in Yunnan during 1938-1950.
    Menghai tea factory is known for its production of ripe ( Shu ) Pu-erh tea.
    Later on Da Yi became an official brand of Menghai tea factory.
    Da Yi Tea Group Company was established in 2004, since then Menghai tea factory has been one of the members.

  • Haiwan Lao Tongzhi

    Hai Wan - Lao Tong Zhi  ( 海湾 - 老 同志 (下关沱茶 )
    Lao Tong Zhi ( in translation - Old comrades ) is one of famous Yunnan tea brands from Hai Wan Tea factory set up by two founders of the tea factory who are maters of processing Pu-erh tea in China.

  • Yunnan Dianhong Jituan

     Yunnan Dian Hong Ji Tuan ( 云南滇红集团 )
    "Yunnan Dian Hong Ji Tuan", this company is originally known for the black tea, but
    Tuo Cha is also one of the types of their products.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 42 items
Showing 1 - 12 of 42 items