Medium oxidized and medium light roasted oolong from organic tea...
Medium oxidized Taiwanese gaba oolong. This one is close to the red side...
Handmade double fired jianshui gaiwan made by our master on special...
Dong Ding "Frozen Peak" dark green, tight rolled leaves of medium-light...
The Taiwanese version of Yunnan's Mi Xiang Jin Ya on steroids - from...
Handmade tea cup from Jianshui white clay "Bai Ni", wood fired in the...
Big or semi-large tea factories are listed here.
Nanjian Tea Factories ( 南涧 )
category includes products from 3 different tea factories located in Nanjian area.
1. Yunnan Nanjian Cha Chang
2. Nanjian Hi Long Tan
3. Tuling Feng Huang
Yunnan Nanjian Cha Chang
factory doesn't have a long tea producing history in Yunnan province,
but it’s known their Phoenix(Fenghuang) Tuo Cha branded by Gu De.
The factory has been established in 1985 and since then they started produce the Phoenix tuo cha.
The tea factory is located Wu Liang shan ( Wuliang mountain ) ,
so most of the tea material comes from growing around old and arbor tea trees.
Xia guan Tuo Cha (下关沱茶)
Xia Guan Tuo Cha ,also named Yunnan Tuo Cha that is origin from Ming Dynasty.
It is one of compressed forms of Pu Er Tea, usually it`s smaller than pu-erh tea cake,
that is easily to carry to anywhere,therefore it had been popular during the Ancient
Tea Route. Xiaguan Tuo Cha is known as high quality tea with long history
and typical intensive Cha Qi with smoky flavor.
Mengku Rong Shi (勐库戎氏)
Mengku Rong Shi tea factory is based in Shuangjiang ,south-west of Yunnan province.
It is a family-run business for the last three generations which is more than a hundred years.
Nowadays Rong Shi still follows the traditional way of of tea production and besides organic black tea is mainly focused on Sheng Pu-erh tea.
Zhong Cha company (中茶)
Zhong Cha was Established in 1949 and it was the first national tea company in China.
Within few years company expanded and became a major trade company of Chinese tea .
This company had been manufacturing lot of high quality Pu-erh tea, hei cha ,
black tea, green tea, etc. for many years now . All of teas are branded as ‘Zhong Cha Pai’.
Da Yi (大益)
Originally Da Yi was name of Pu-erh tea’s brand from old Menghai tea factory.
Menghai tea factory was one of big manufacturers of tea in Yunnan during 1938-1950.
Menghai tea factory is known for its production of ripe ( Shu ) Pu-erh tea.
Later on Da Yi became an official brand of Menghai tea factory.
Da Yi Tea Group Company was established in 2004, since then Menghai tea factory has been one of the members.
Hai Wan - Lao Tong Zhi ( 海湾 - 老 同志 (下关沱茶 )
Lao Tong Zhi ( in translation - Old comrades ) is one of famous Yunnan tea brands from Hai Wan Tea factory set up by two founders of the tea factory who are maters of processing Pu-erh tea in China.
Yunnan Dian Hong Ji Tuan ( 云南滇红集团 )
"Yunnan Dian Hong Ji Tuan", this company is originally known for the black tea, but
Tuo Cha is also one of the types of their products.
"The King of the arbor trees" has a fair amount of bigger leafs and it has a good potential for longer storage. "Mei Li" sweetness along with front bitter taste leaving bit dry sensation on your tongue. "Sheng Jing" is noticeable and fast Hui Gan with light flowery notes. Late spring harvest pressed in summer.
Spring harvest from small arbor tea trees growing at tea garden owned by Rongshi company in Mang Fei village . "Da Ye" - big leafs, typical for that area, are pressed by stone in into the 500g cake. Mangfei tea is distinctive from other in that area. It has a rather bitter and astringent front taste which is turning to the sweet sensation in throat in...
Spring harvest Mengku tea is pressed by stone in into the 500g cake. The name "Ben Wei Da Cheng " freely translated as The Original Flavor is The Best One , and this cake is very close but not exactly as we use to drink from Rongshi tea company at their factory in Megku. Tea liquor with chrysanthemum fragrance reminding famous Bing Dao tea, yet with some...
Sheng pu-erh from Mengku Rongshi tea factory named as "Cha Hun" - Tea Spirit. Intensive fragrance of flower garden, smooth liquor with very light bitterness is suggesting this tea for another year or two for storage for people who are sensitive to that kind of taste. Brewing time is very short and within 2nd infusion you get very rich and clean tea soup...
quite bitter with the first two infusions but slight sweetness comes after second-third brewing and so as color. Its a good daily drinker for decent price.
This is a typical Xiaguan tuocha ,where the bright golden tea color liqour is slightly bitter-astringent taste, distinctive smoky flavor accompanied by dark chocolate notes with slightly sweet after-taste .
Takes few infusions to get this dry stored shu cha release tasty tea. First few steepings are rather bitter , but slightly changes to sweet taste later. Longer infusions help to achieve nice dark and rich tea soup.As it happens with all big tea manufacturers or companies , the Zhong Cha tea prices also rising up not only based on actual aging value , so...
Very distinctive , pleasant aroma of plums and orchids comes out from hot gaiwan within washing infusion already. First few cups don't give much , but after 3rd one it starts to release what it has a pleasant graduating body warming sensation , mouth will slowly and persistently fill with sweetness. Taste of plums with touch of old wood could be...
Scent of honey and dark chocolate can be experienced from hot gai wan before the first steeping. Beautiful woody taste with touch of caramel and sweet buzz sensation on sight of your tongue will make your day . No unpleasant sensations of over dry storage.
Mixture of spring and autumn bush tea leafs from Menghai area and pressed into 357g pu-erh tea cake in 2012 , dry stored in Kunming until now. The woody scent of well stored sheng pu-erh can be experienced when steeping the leafs in gai wan. Very pleasant and back warming feeling along with bitter-sweet mouth sensation followed by mild "hui gan".
Smoky notes will hit your taste buds within the first sip and will last during many infusions. Dark yellow tea liquor of vintage sheng pu will give you sweet lingering sensation on top of the tongue and bitter feeling under. The wrapper is ripped in some places because the old age so we provide additional protection of the cake.
Crystal clear ruby red tea liquor is rich and sweet! No any weird wet or dry notes in present give sign of very good storage. The caramelo-walnutty scent from the hot gai wan lid will tell you about the unique fermentation. As a vintage shu it needs few infusions to start releasing real "juice" which has some woody notes due to the Kunming storage , but...