Handmade teapot Gong Chun style from...
Handmade double fired jianshui gaiwan made by our master on special...
Dong Ding "Frozen Peak" dark green, tight rolled leaves of medium-light...
The Taiwanese version of Yunnan's Mi Xiang Jin Ya on steroids - from...
Handmade tea cup from Jianshui white clay "Bai Ni", wood fired in the...
Special grade "tou chun" spring harvest from bushes growing in Yongde....
Traditional Menghai medium-dark fermented top grade of shu pu erh gong...
Chinese tea , especially Yunnan puerh ,
you can buy in various forms which commonly are loose leaf or pressed.
On our online shop the loose leaf tea is categorized by harvest season,
grade and pressed tea in the actual shape of pressing ( like cake, brick, tuo cha etc. )
Chinese tea , especially Yunnan puerh ,
you can buy in various forms which commonly are loose leaf or pressed.
On our online shop the loose leaf tea is categorized by harvest season,
grade and pressed tea in the actual shape of pressing ( like cake, brick, tuo cha etc. )
Loose tea 25-1000g.
Pressed tea in cakes 4g - 3kg.
Tuo Cha is compressed tea in the shape of mushroom.
Pressed tea into the brick shape.
Other shapes of tea , like pellets "cha tou" , small tea balls or tea in tangerine.
Unsorted grade from the same 2018 shu puerh batch we offer in cake and lao cha tou version. The tea consists loose leaf but also some cha tou ( pellets ) . Characteristic are similar to other 2 products , just the brewing process si much faster so easier to achieve strong infusions full of walnuts, woody notes and hint og bitter chocolate.
Spring tea leafs from arbor trees in Wu Liang mountain , processed by hand and pressed into medium press tea cake in Qi Li village by local master. Honey aroma from brewed tea leaves are combined with flowery notes when drinking and breathing out through your nose. Fruity base taste as part of the good ageing is present of course and sweet liqour...
Early spring plucked buds from wild growing tea trees in Baoshan prefecture and processed only by drying as a white tea. Sweet and almost no color ( clear ) tea liqour with pine tree notes in aroma of brewed buds and in taste as well. Suitable also for long time brewing in the bottle or jar.
The leaves are medium-heavy roasted so the taste is less heavy than regular Da Hong Pao.The leaf blended with dry skin of Buddha's Hand citrus which has imprinted it's taste and aroma in the tea. This one is very pleasant daily drinker without any additional story to be told. For 4 - 6 infusions you will receive decent sweet tea.
Spring arbor tea leafs from Bulang mountain hard pressed into the cake in Man Xin Long village by small local tea manufacturer in 2012. Clean tea liquor with slight notes or roasted nuts is gentle bitter from beginning , then turns to pleasant sweet aftertaste "hui gan".
Medium-hard pressed tea cake from small arbor tea trees growing on Jingmai mountain. Harder steepings will reveal the young age of the trees but rather by bitter taste than descructive astringency. Very well stored and the right condition for aging still preserved original Jingmai fruitiness with sweet mouthfeel followed by "hui gan" aftertaste.
Hard pressed tea material from Bulang mountain , fermented in Menghai , needs to go through few infusions before it starts to release sweet and rich liqueur. Naturally obtained "nuo mi" - sticky rice notes due to the storage will linger on your tongue during many infusions. Stronger steepings will make well balanced shu puerh taste for those who are not...
Very well made shu from Cha Yi Fang company. The price from 2011 differs quite a lot and we believe that in quality side, its just like that. Smooth and sweet tea liqueur with scent of old wood, hint of walnuts and wild honey notes. Hard pressed cake need 2-3 brewings before gets to the working mode , but then u get 10+ rich infusions. For dedicated shu...
"Yue Chen Yue Xiang" freely translated "longer time better taste" , typical Menghai shu puerh with outstanding taste. Sweet walnut notes without any uncomfortable "dui wei". Smooth and sweet, no any unpleasant side tastes. Brewed tea leafs have very nice scent of honey and walnuts. Very good daily drinker.
Classic Menghai shu puerh production of 2009 on special order for Kunming company. Blend of 1st and something 2nd or 3rd grade maocha without any huangpian or big stems. At least we didn't spot any. Surprisingly rich taste compare to regular Kunming stored old shu. Creamy tea soup with light wood and bitter touch at the end. Gentle natural nuomi notes in...
The first spring harvest of the big tea trees from the village Man Xing Long , located on Bulang mountain. There is not much to be said about this mao cha as it is mostly suitable for pressing and long term storing ( ageing ) . Very bitter but clean in processing and so in taste. If you manage to go through the few cups , the "hui gan" will also appear....
Tea material from arbor trees growing on Pa Sha mountain and processed in local village Zhong Zhai , later traditionally stone pressed into the cake in Menghai tea processing company. Medium hand processed by stone tea cake consists spring tea leafs plucked in 2015. Within the first infusion the powerful tea soup gives unusual taste of wild mushrooms (...