Tag buttons for searching tea by taste notes. Please note that these are only notes not the actual direct taste. Please also take in account that those are our subjective taste descriptions and might differ from other tea drinkers based on many factors. Puerh tea also changes taste profile by aging, so some notes might change with time. Tags are also active in product page , below the main description.
Time of the time we review some tea , in order to taste how it changed with storage. You can see the date of the latest taste profile update in Details section below the product.
( Most of our sheng puerhs are Kunming Dry storage. Other storage available in tags below )
SmokyWoodEarthyHoneyFruityFlowersNutsChocolateCaramelSticky RiceBitter
( Most of our shu puerhs are Kunming Dry storage. Other storage available in tags below )
oxidation / fixation
processing / roast / type
Dark Roasted OolongLight Oxidized Oolong