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    Yiwu Shan

    Yiwu is kind of the king of six ancient tea mountains  
    and from all of them it has the most of the old tea trees.
    There is a very good climate for tea and all area
    has a lots of altitude differences which gives perfect condition for various teas .
    During Qing dynasty Yiwu was the most important place for the tea production and trade in Xi Shua...

    Yiwu is kind of the king of six ancient tea mountains  
    and from all of them it has the most of the old tea trees.
    There is a very good climate for tea and all area
    has a lots of altitude differences which gives perfect condition for various teas .
    During Qing dynasty Yiwu was the most important place for the tea production and trade in Xi Shuang Ban Na.


    Yiwu Shan There are 9 products.

    Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items
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      USD 248.00 In Stock
      1 Review(s)

      Very distinctive , pleasant aroma of plums and orchids comes out from hot gaiwan within washing infusion already. First few cups don't give much , but after 3rd one it starts to release what it has a pleasant graduating body warming sensation , mouth will slowly and persistently fill with sweetness. Taste of plums with touch of old wood could be...

      USD 248.00
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      USD 88.00 In Stock

      Spring harvest from tall , but not old tea trees growing in forest near San He Lao Zhai village. Distinctive fruity taste with some flowery notes typical for Yiwu area sheng puerhs. Some astringancy also noticable , especially in further steepings , which reveals a young age of the trees. Yet , very pleasant young sheng with very little bitterness if you...

      USD 88.00
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      USD 12.00 In Stock

      The name on wrapper "Cha Zhi Xiang" stands for " The Home of the Tea" . Fresh spring tea leafs of arbor tea trees were plucked, processed and pressed by local Yiwu farmer. Gentle woody scent of dry leafs comes out from hot gai wan before the first infusion. Clear tea soup is slightly bitter at the start , but turns sweet after few cups and fills your...

      USD 12.00
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      USD 83.20 Product available with different options

      Mixture of spring and autumn tea leafs of "Xiao Shu" small arbor tea trees from YiWu mountain.  Fragrance of the flowers with touch of clove which is overall covered by fruity aroma of clean Kunming aged transformation. Typical Chinese fruit "mei zi" notes are hiding in aftertaste accompanied by some dryness and astringency reminding you the young age of...

      USD 83.20
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      USD 12.80 In Stock
      1 Review(s)

      Sheng puerh from spring harvest tea leafs from young arbor Yiwu tea trees , medium pressed by stone. Typical notes as big trees,  just the heavier / longer steepings will reveal the true age of tea leafs. It gets more bitter and slight astringent, yet the qualities like fruitiness will remain in your cup quite few infusions. This cake has very good...

      USD 12.80
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      USD 16.00 In Stock
      1 Review(s)

      Spring harvest from Yiwu mountain pressed into the 400g . typical notes of "Mei Zi" , Chinese plum with plenty of "hui gan" sweetness after which spread from throat and cover your tonsils. Under tongue sweetness "sheng jing" is also in present and experience puer drinker will detect slight dry touch which reveals young age of arbor trees this cake is made...

      USD 16.00
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      USD 112.00 In Stock

      The first spring harvest tea leaves from big and small arbor tea trees growing in forest near village San He Lao Zhai in Yiwu. Fruity " mei zi " notes are sensed after few cups and honey fragrance mixed with flower touch ( as typical in fresh Yiwu ) which will transform to fruity-honey notes later with ageing. Tea cake doesn't have "nei piao" as it's made...

      USD 112.00
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      USD 21.60 In Stock

      Autumn harvest sheng puerh processed and pressed into the 2kg bamboo basket by Lin Yin Hao tea factory where it was stored one year and after in Kunming. Sweet fruity notes from the hot gaiwan and taste in your cup later. Honey aroma in pitcher will tease your taste buds like with glass of wine. It's very hard to dig out the leaves from basket so please...

      USD 21.60
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      USD 192.00 In Stock

      Spring harvest from old arbor tea trees , growing in forest near Bai Hua Tan village. Fruity notes from the first cup,  but much deeper than Gao Gen sheng we also offer.  Almost no astringancy, mineral taste / feel in mouth accompanied by flowery notes lingering in nose. Stronger infusions reward with syrupy sweet tea liqueur with adequate , yet not...

      USD 192.00
      In Stock
    Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items