2017 Чжун Ча - Сянь Хэ

Шу Пуэр

Shu puerh tea from Zhong Cha tea company fermented and pressed into the cake in famous tea factory Liu Da Cha Shan in Menghai. Medium fermentation with the mixture of Bulangshan tea leafs give rich tea liquor with touch of roasted walnuts and bitter notes of dark chocolate. Medium sized leafs are releasing it's goodness slowly , so you need to be patient with infusions.

Внимание: ограниченное количество товара в наличии!

Вложите в корзину чтобы увидеть бонусные баллы. 360 .. . 360 . . USD 2.88.

USD 57.60


Описание вкуса от нас06.06.2018
СортШу Пуэр
Чай блин357г.
Место происхожденияМэн Хай
Чай МатериалКустовой Чай ( Тай Ди Ча )
Чайная ФабрикаЖдонг Ча


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2017 Чжун Ча - Сянь Хэ

2017 Чжун Ча - Сянь Хэ

Shu puerh tea from Zhong Cha tea company fermented and pressed into the cake in famous tea factory Liu Da Cha Shan in Menghai. Medium fermentation with the mixture of Bulangshan tea leafs give rich tea liquor with touch of roasted walnuts and bitter notes of dark chocolate. Medium sized leafs are releasing it's goodness slowly , so you need to be patient with infusions.