2015 Hong Yin Jin Zhuan

Shu Puerh

Within the first infusion you can smell "nuo mi xiang" scent which would be more typical for Guan Dong shu pu-erhs. After few more steepings the "nuo mi" flavor dims out and will make a harmony with light bitter-sweet taste. The small cube is made from batch fermented on wooden pallets above the ground for better air circulation and increased hygiene.

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Taste review from us25.10.2017
TypeShu Puerh
Brick Tea6-10g
OriginMeng Hai
Tea MaterialMix - Bush tea ( Tai Di Cha ) / Arbor tree ( Qiao Mu )
SeasonMix - Spring / Autumn
StorageMenghai - Kunming


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2015 Hong Yin Jin Zhuan

2015 Hong Yin Jin Zhuan

Within the first infusion you can smell "nuo mi xiang" scent which would be more typical for Guan Dong shu pu-erhs. After few more steepings the "nuo mi" flavor dims out and will make a harmony with light bitter-sweet taste. The small cube is made from batch fermented on wooden pallets above the ground for better air circulation and increased hygiene.