2018 Xiao Hu Sai - 25g

Sheng Puerh

Into the chrysanthemum garden would change your room when you pour first steeping. The spring tea leafs from small arbor tea trees Xiao Hu Sai area with significant touch of lavender during many infusions. You can go harder with brewing which cause bitterness emerge , but sweet notes are not going to hit you at front. Would be much more complexly approaching from back of your throat and spread all

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USD 14.72

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Rest of the product ( $ / g )0.55 $
Taste review from us17.09.2017
TypeSheng Puerh
Tea Cake357g
OriginMeng Ku
Tea MaterialArbor tree ( Qiao Mu )

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over your tongue covered with saliva. It is bit different from what we had back in 2017 and also the price has gone up quite steep. Unfortunately not due to the higher grade ( although must say , the processing is better ) but the overall price of tea from this particular area. Yet , we believe this model deserves the price.


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2018 Xiao Hu Sai - 25g

2018 Xiao Hu Sai - 25g

Into the chrysanthemum garden would change your room when you pour first steeping. The spring tea leafs from small arbor tea trees Xiao Hu Sai area with significant touch of lavender during many infusions. You can go harder with brewing which cause bitterness emerge , but sweet notes are not going to hit you at front. Would be much more complexly approaching from back of your throat and spread all


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