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List of products by manufacturer Xiao Zhu

Xiao Zhu is young farmer from Yi Wu. He is the 3rd farming generation in his family.
Very modest and smart young man who after inheriting grandpa's tea garden
was looking for the growing business options.

He realized potential of his tea and set up his own small brand.

Xiao Zhu's tea garden is located in deep forest surrounded by tall trees , but still have plenty sun necessary for trees to grow.




Old tree just near to the main tea garden.


Local worms munching on farmers tea tree is a good proof of chemical free environment.


Fresh bud sprouting on young arbor tree.

young tips

Fresh bud sprouting on old tea tree.


Fresh leafs.

fresh tea leafs

Sometimes among the regular tea leafs can be find also purple ones ..called "Zi Ya" ..purple leaf. 

purple leafs

"Sha Qing" ..kill green , processed traditional way in wok pan heated by burning wood. I had an opportunity to try it few woks my self under masters supervision.

sha qing


Separating processed leafs and getting ready for sun-drying.

separating leafs

Natural sun-drying process.


Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
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    USD 12.00 In Stock

    The name on wrapper "Cha Zhi Xiang" stands for " The Home of the Tea" . Fresh spring tea leafs of arbor tea trees were plucked, processed and pressed by local Yiwu farmer. Gentle woody scent of dry leafs comes out from hot gai wan before the first infusion. Clear tea soup is slightly bitter at the start , but turns sweet after few cups and fills your...

    USD 12.00
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    USD 12.80 In Stock
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    Sheng puerh from spring harvest tea leafs from young arbor Yiwu tea trees , medium pressed by stone. Typical notes as big trees,  just the heavier / longer steepings will reveal the true age of tea leafs. It gets more bitter and slight astringent, yet the qualities like fruitiness will remain in your cup quite few infusions. This cake has very good...

    USD 12.80
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    USD 112.00 In Stock

    The first spring harvest tea leaves from big and small arbor tea trees growing in forest near village San He Lao Zhai in Yiwu. Fruity " mei zi " notes are sensed after few cups and honey fragrance mixed with flower touch ( as typical in fresh Yiwu ) which will transform to fruity-honey notes later with ageing. Tea cake doesn't have "nei piao" as it's made...

    USD 112.00
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