Yunnan Dark Roses


Flowers come from Li Jiang area where they grow at the foot of Ye Long mountain and very popular in local cuisine like making flower cakes or roses jam ( we have that sometimes for breakfast with pancakes :-) . In Chinese medicine is  used for roses pills or herbal tea for detox , to the clean liver or clam down upset stomach. Drinking roses tea is popular among Chinese ladies is as a skin care.

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USD 6.24

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TypeFlower Tea
Loose Tea12 - 100g
OriginLi Jiang

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There are many other articles about positive influence to the human body of drinking roses tea available on internet.

While brewing those roses , we recommend do the first wash with hot water as any other tea , in order to let flower open.
You will get quite bitter liqour with touch of sweet notes,  so local people add a "bing tang" - ice sugar ( sort of caramelised sugar ) into the jar to ballance the bitterness .
Keep the flowers in the jar, keep adding hot water each time and watch flowers releasing it's goodness.

Adding few drops of lemon juice will make the roses tea turn to very red color and ballance well with acidity.

Available packed in gift light plastic jar of net weight approx 40g.


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Yunnan Dark Roses

Yunnan Dark Roses

Flowers come from Li Jiang area where they grow at the foot of Ye Long mountain and very popular in local cuisine like making flower cakes or roses jam ( we have that sometimes for breakfast with pancakes :-) . In Chinese medicine is  used for roses pills or herbal tea for detox , to the clean liver or clam down upset stomach. Drinking roses tea is popular among Chinese ladies is as a skin care.


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