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    USD 2.40 In Stock

    Medium roasted entry level yancha made of Rou Gui bush tea varietal. Bittersweet with candy-fruity background in taste and some flowery notes might be experienced in aroma from the cup. 8g packs, which locals in Wuyi Shan brew in 100ml gaiwan. We recommend large brewing vessel ( at least 140ml ) for such an amount to enjoy balanced tea. Use drop down...

    USD 2.40
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    USD 72.00 In Stock

    Handmade double fired jianshui gaiwan made by our master on special order. The primary task was to made thick wall with good thermodynamic gaiwan for shu puerh or hei cha . The clay is 3-4mm thick, so gaiwan is quite heavy ( around 230g body with a lid ) and wider ( around 100mm ) which suits rather experienced users. Yet, for it's durability can also be...

    USD 72.00
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    USD 22.40 In Stock

    Dong Ding "Frozen Peak" dark green, tight rolled leaves of medium-light oxidised, lightly roasted, in order to reduce the "green" taste yet preserve the original flowery notes of this famous taiwanese oolong. Mellow sweet and fruity sourish taste balanced with a gentle touch of the roasted almonds notes in aroma and sweet aftertaste. No astringency or...

    USD 22.40
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    USD 14.40 In Stock

    The Taiwanese version of Yunnan's Mi Xiang  Jin Ya on steroids - from our point of view. A very intense honey fragrance fills your mouth. It is less sensitive to the right temperature and behaves much better with longer infusions than Yunnan tips one. The sweetness gradually disappears after about the 7th infusion, but remains on the tongue as a pure...

    USD 14.40
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    USD 29.12 In Stock

    Oriental Beauty white tip oolong which doesn't need any long introduction to justify it's fairly high price. This one comes from the Taiwanese tea plantations, where the tea jassid bug isinvolved in the whole process of this unique tea. Heavily oxidized leaves and tips giving out fruity candy taste like something between old white tea and yunnan wild...

    USD 29.12
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    USD 51.20 In Stock

    Handmade tea cup from Jianshui white clay "Bai Ni", wood fired in the kiln with ash glazing applied. Purposely made pattern of cracklings, similar to "Ru Ci Kai Pian" achieved by fast cooling. The weight of the cup ( thick walls ) feels comfortable in the hand and and sleek surface gentle to your lips ( not rough surface ). Two different patterns available.

    USD 51.20
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    USD 21.60 In Stock

    Special grade "tou chun" spring harvest from bushes growing in Yongde. Medium-dark fermentation, which is typical for shu puerh from that area. Dry walnuts in aroma and taste layered on overall sweet liquor. Dark chocolate notes with bitter touch will emerge during the harder steepings, making this 200g medium-hard pressed shu brick significantly...

    USD 21.60
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    USD 7.20 In Stock

    Traditional Menghai medium-dark fermented top grade of shu pu erh gong ting pressed in small cake. Daily drinker for morning strong shu addicts who need earthy, yet sweet taste combined with dry walnut notes and sweet after taste. Medium hard pressing allows cake to be chipped off simply by hand from the edge. Small sample or full tong are available for a...

    USD 7.20
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    USD 19.04 Out of stock

    Medium oxidised and roasted tea leaves from the first spring harvest of old trees " lao cong". Beautiful floral  aroma fills the room after the first pour of hot water. Distinctive scent which is rich in orchid notes also reflected in cup accompanied with touch of honey in aftertaste. Fruity sweet through many steps with touch of bitterness during longer...

    USD 19.04
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    USD 8.00 Out of stock
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    Spring harvest of big & small wild tea trees growing near Myanmar borders in Dehong state. Processed by the small producer who is originally from Feng Qing so his sun dried Ye Sheng is up to very good standard. Typical sweet-sour fruity notes which will develop further with time because this one hasn't gone through any artificial heat processing ( roast ) .

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    USD 6.08 Out of stock
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    The first harvest of "Dan Ya - Dan Ye " which means 1 tip 1 leaf , the ratio of leafs and buds of this premium quality handmade Yunnan green tea from De Hong state which has a very rich in nutty-grassy notes appearing to be more noticeable during the first  brewings. The slight bitter taste turns into the after sweet mouthfeel sensation with hint of...

    USD 6.08
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    USD 21.12 Out of stock

    A high grade of spring green tea called Jade Snails. Medium size 1 or 2 leaf :1 tip ratio are rolled up tight into the small snail shell shape which makes convenient for transfer and preserves the flavor for long time.Within the first infusion  the mellow and nutty scent comes out from the cup and tea soup gives chestnut-ish flavor with hint of fruits.

    USD 21.12
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    USD 14.40 Out of stock

     Liuan Gua Pian is one of the traditional types green tea originally coming from Jinzai County in Anhui Province. This green tea is completely without the buds (tips) and stems, only top grade of small leafs rolled into the shape reminding the seed  so it's also called "Melon seed"or "Sunflower seed" . After few sips the tea leaves pleasant bittersweet...

    USD 14.40
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    USD 8.80 Out of stock

    Unsprouted tea leaves from wild tea trees of Dehong area lightly oxidized as sun dried red tea is made. These buds " ya bao " are basically a Ye Sheng Hong without the leaves and so the taste is pure sweet with touch of fruitiness and some peach notes, yet without any bitter background. It is very difficult to control the oxidation of the buds so the...

    USD 8.80
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    USD 15.04 Out of stock
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    Spring tea leafs from Huo Shan located in Anhui province. This is a type of green tea which has an additional post-processing to diminish original excessive bitterness of the green leafs which will turn to yellow-ish color after. It's recommended to use lower temperatures for brewing in order to get sweet and rich tea liquor. Yellow tea was very popular...

    USD 15.04
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    USD 8.00 Out of stock

    Handmade shaped leaves and tips of spring harvest from Yunnan big leaf varietal No.14 growing in Puer ( Simao area )  tea plantations. The tea mostly consisting tips and top leaves which are responsible for the honey notes you will experienced in aroma combined with touch of nuts caused by gentle roast which eliminates unpleasant potato odor and taste....

    USD 8.00
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    USD 2.24 Out of stock

    First spring harvest from Miao Wan village of Tong Mu Guan area . "Mi Tao" - peach , which is quite noticeable in aroma and some in taste of this not smoked Lapsang Souchong red tea with gentle fruity notes which are not covered by any excessive roast. Tea leaves are packed into the individual 5g air tight sealed pack to preserve the taste and aroma as...

    USD 2.24
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    USD 6.08 In Stock

    The spring version of our autumn "Hong Ya". This one is also has a fair amount of tips , therefore we recommend to brew it with lower temperatures. Roasted nuts from brewed hot leaves will reveal the final processing was done in light "ti xiang" ( high temp. roast ) concept to promote sweetness above the fruitiness ( compare to mentioned Red Tips version ). 

    USD 6.08
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    USD 1.60 In Stock
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    Spring leaves from Miao Wan village situated Tong Mu Guan area ( Wu Yi Shan  ) tea  garden . Heavy oxidised, as typical red tea , but with following "yao qing" tossing the leaves, step processing as common for oolong. That gives the tea extra fruity and flowery sweet notes resembling wild varietal taste but more sweet like oolong tea with chocolate hint...

    USD 1.60
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    USD 11.20 In Stock

    Late winter and early spring harvest medium-dark roast Dancong tea which is not counted as a "Xue Pain" - snowflakes neither "Tou Chun" - the first spring harvest but as snow spring harvest with unique name "Cha Hu" - Tea Tiger, called like that by local people. The aroma , and so the taste , resembles "Xin Ren Xiang Dancong" - the almond notes with touch...

    USD 11.20
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    USD 7.20 Out of stock

    Early spring harvest of wild varietal tea leaves from young trees growing in Feng Qing area. Typical fruity taste of Ye Sheng enhanced by the sun dried simple processing,  is very well balanced with sweet taste of quite substantial amount of "ya bao" ( red flakes scattered in tea. ). Despite of the small tea trees, still can get eight steepings od decent...

    USD 7.20
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    USD 33.60 Out of stock

    A top grade of 1st. spring green tea. Small size leafs and tips (1 leaf & 1 tip ) are rolled up into the snail shell shape which makes convenient for transfer and preserves the flavor for long time. An intensive nutty scent comes out from the cup or gai wan when brew this tea with touch of chestnuts and fresh cut grass.

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    USD 5.12 In Stock
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    Tea bushes of An Ji Bai Cha varietal  planted in Dehong and mostly used for the famous white tea tips production for Zhejiang distributors. The producer from 2nd harvest makes very good red tea with dark chocolate notes with touch of nuts due to the high temp. roast. We also offer 180g in box ( drop-down option ) .

    USD 5.12
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    USD 5.60 In Stock

    Spring harvest 1 tip 1-2 leaves from plantations on Bang Lang Shan  located on Ailao mountain in Jing Dong.  Dianhong style black tea from Pu Jing Yi Hao varietal , usually used for a white tea production. Sweet tea liqueur with fruity - floral notes, touch of roses " Mei Gui " in aroma achieved by accurate processing with very light roast finish....

    USD 5.60
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    USD 7.63 USD 8.48 -10% Out of stock

    Spring harvest of Yunnan golden Needles. Yunnan Dianhong Black tea from Feng Qing made of spring tips of Yun Keng Shi Hao variety. The tea leafs are processed accurately and rolled with big tips together into the shape of needles. Big Golden Needles  - Da Jin Zhen. Sweet with citrus notes and wild berries.We recommend to use lower brewing temperatures.

    USD 7.63 USD 8.48 -10%
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    USD 4.80 Out of stock

    Spring 2nd harvest leaves of small tea trees from Yong De area in Mu Gua village neighboring with Mei Zi Qing. Without any artificial heat processing , but just simply sun dried, allowing to tea further taste development ( partial ageing ) . Fruity aroma with touch of sour notes typical for shai hong. Some "ma ti" ( woody stems ) are in presence as common...

    USD 4.80
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    USD 20.80 Out of stock
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    green tea leafs and tips mixed with flowers of the jasmine , well balanced light bitterness of green leafs and deep sweet taste of jasmine blossoms. Tea has very strong jasmine scent so we recommend to store away from other teas or very well packed, so it doesn't influence other teas flavor. 

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    USD 10.40 Out of stock

    First flush "tou chun" of high grade green tea from Hou Keng village located on Huang Shan mountain called Tai Ping Hou Kui  ( peaceful monkey leader ) , which is also known as Monkey tea. Although Houkui doesn't have a long history like other Chinese teas but it became popular something around 2004. Very smooth taste with flowery / orchid notes.

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    USD 8.00 In Stock

    One bud and small tea leaf rolled into the snail shape. As , traditional way of shaping tea leafs usual for green bi luo chun, this method of rolling the leafs also proved to be very useful in matter of preserving flavor.  Honey notes with woody characteristics in overall sweet body , rich in flavor tea liqour made spring Simao leafs is a higher grade can...

    USD 8.00
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    USD 288.00 USD 320.00 -10% In Stock

    Handmade teapot Gong Chun style from Jianshui red clay "Hong Ni", rich in iron , therefore after traditionally fired on wood on high temperature it turns to the iron-silver color. The cracked clay pattern is fully handmade. Screen : ball filterPouring time : 5.9s +/-             

    USD 288.00 USD 320.00 -10%
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    USD 118.10 USD 124.32 -5% In Stock

    Hand made teapot from "zhi ma ni" ( sesame clay ) made by student of artist Wang Hang Ying. The sand grains increase the pores density of the surface and therefore ability of absorption of the tea flavor ( teapot memory ). The  edge of the pot's lid is chipped off , but it doesn't have any influence on brewing the tea. Screen : ball filterPouring time :...

    USD 118.10 USD 124.32 -5%
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    USD 8.64 USD 9.60 -10% In Stock

    Wild tea trees from Ming Feng Shan in Yongde county. The leaves  haven't gone through any artificial heat processing but simply being dried on the sun , which promotes fruitiness and partial ageing typical for "shai hong" style tea. Obvious sweet-sour notes of wild tea leaves which can be brewed longer with smaller amounts without being worried of any...

    USD 8.64 USD 9.60 -10%
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    USD 7.63 USD 8.48 -10% Out of stock

    Spring harvest of Yunnan golden Needles. Yunnan Dianhong Black tea from Feng Qing made of spring tips of Yun Keng Shi Hao variety. The tea leafs are processed accurately and rolled with big tips together into the shape of needles. Big Golden Needles  - Da Jin Zhen. Sweet with citrus notes and wild berries.We recommend to use lower brewing temperatures.

    USD 7.63 USD 8.48 -10%
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    USD 4.51 USD 7.52 -40% Out of stock

    The first harvest of Yunnan high grade green tea made of tips only , locally known as "xue ya" - snow tips. Very similar to Snow Dragon " xue long " just not that curvy shaped , yet very close to the taste as well. Delicate, sweet taste and fragrant aroma. Its flavor is vegetable and nutty. Limited amount!

    USD 4.51 USD 7.52 -40%
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